Pride Month Letter

Dear Friends of Delores,

Happy Pride Month!  

At Delores and among LGBTQIA+ communities, of which I am a part, it has been a tough year. Since the mass shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs last November, there has been much thought and discussion among our community, who vocally welcomes and celebrates queer and transgender people, about the personal and institutional violence that continues to manifest nationally. From increased hate crimes and murder rates of transgender women year over year to bills being passed across the country restricting trans-inclusive healthcare and the criminalization of queer and transgender identities and support of them, the safety of our community is a priority now more than ever. 

When I was offered the role of CEO at Delores earlier this year, I did have to think about how as a proudly and visibly gay and genderqueer person considering leadership in a public-facing role, acceptance of the position could mean making myself, my family, and the sacred community of people I have been tasked with leading at Delores at potentially greater risk for harm. However, as many of you know, this is an amazing community and how could I not say yes to the opportunity after eight years here witnessing the life-saving nature of our work and community. Rather than cower in fear, I said yes in reflection of my LGBTQIA ancestors who fifty four years ago this June stood up to the powers that be at the Stonewall Inn and said enough is enough. And so, on this first day of Pride month here at Delores, we remember their courage and unwillingness to be disrespected too and in their memory and influence, are speaking out all these years later add to the chorus of enough. This is a moment in history where it feels more important than ever to be Proud of who we are as an organization and of the expansiveness of our love for the people we are and the people we serve. Anything less would not be living into our mission and our commitment to one another as a community. 

For all people, love can only lead to healing and at here Delores, we are continually striving to become a space where every single human who walks through our doors can experience a sense of unconditional support and belonging, where we can be reintroduced to our own strength and resiliency, the gifts and the magic inside of us, and to the purpose and joy that make life worth living. 

On this first day of 2023 Pride, I want to extend my gratitude to all of you who have continued to love and support us, our work, and all of the people who make up our community for the past twenty three years. We could not be a beacon of hope and possibility for so many among us who have been made to feel invisible or unimportant or less than fully human because who they love or how they identify without your support of our mission and vision of a world where all people have the community of support and housing stability they need to thrive. 

In ongoing partnership and endless gratitude, 

Emily Wheeland


Statement on Supreme Court Decision


Possibilities Planted!