Our Current Needs

Thank you for your interest in donating to The Delores Project.

We depend on the generous support of our donors in order to serve our community.

Women, transgender women, transgender men, and nonbinary individuals stay in our Shelter and participate in our Continued Care Rehousing Program. We serve all genders and all ages in our Supportive Housing Apartments.

Please choose items that are gender-inclusive to accommodate all community members.


Utilize the Signup Genius Lists to donate food items needed for our Holidays

Community Harvest Link: https://a.co/2LjuNtR

NYE Link: coming soon

Updated Monthly and included in the Volunteer Newsletter


Purchase items from our Amazon Wish List and have them sent straight to our door: https://a.co/2LjuNtR

Updated Monthly and included in the Volunteer Newsletter

Host a Donation Drive

A great option for folks who have less predictable schedules is to host a donation drive! Download our Donation Drive Kit.

Please email volunteers@thedeloresproject.org to learn more.